Monday, September 04, 2006

The Secretary

“Can I have an envelope”, I asked her, knocking the entrance of her cubicle.

“Oh sure, come in… what kind of envelope you want?” she answered in her usual sweet tone.

She is in her 30’s, but like the wine, getting better with age! She appeared a little ravishing in her summer attire, with the tight cream top stretched across her chest and the rose mini skirt. While walking in, my eyes did a quick scan of her entire body, from toe to forehead, pausing couple of times on the way, especially at her legs and the curves, of course the cleavage too.

We chatted for a while, and with the envelope I started to head back to my cubicle. As I turned, she asked me to stop. She came near me, ran her fingers into my hair and suggested that I need a haircut. She had to say that twice, as when she said first; I was busy enjoying the pleasant touch of her smooth long fingers on my head. Her hands were so soft and it felt like she pressed some switch hidden under my hair to turn me on. She ran her hand on my hair couple of times, and every time I wished for more and more. Being her hand raised; the smell of her perfume, mixed with her pheromones had a hypnotizing effect on me. The sleeveless t-shirt exposed her under arm, and for a moment, I wished it was closer to me. Did her chest appear a little tight and firm? Was she also enjoying stroking my long, straight, silky hair? Hope she didn’t notice me staring her chest, which was moving up and down with every breath she took. Was she taking long, heavy breaths?

I somehow pulled together myself out of the magic spell, and walked to my cube. The unexpected, but exciting event took me down by surprise and all I could do that afternoon was to think of her, and indulge in dreams and fantasies. Many a times, I wished I could touch myself, as the emotions were too uncomfortable and getting uncontrollable. And couple of times I actually did, moving the chair deep under the table, and one my hand was hidden. Under the table, the fingers ran over the bulge, lightly stroking it. At times the strokes turned to squeezes and with a huge effort I pulled my hand out under from the table, to restrain myself from doing anything further.

After the excited afternoon, it is evening, and after the ‘hard’ hours, I turned back to work. I have to send a fax, and so I sent her a note asking for a cover page. Time went by, it is late evening and the whole office is kinda deserted. I heard a knock on my cubicle and it was her. She came in and said that she doesn’t have any printed fax cover sheet, but you can make one quick in MS Word from one of the available templates. She said she will show me how to do it, and I let her use my computer. She was standing too close to me, and her smell started driving me crazy. I wasn’t paying any attention to her instructions, and my eyes were running up and down on her, firing up the passion. My computer was giving her problems, and she was getting frustrated. She rested her firm, round bum on my armrest; struggling with the software. I wished I had my arm on it, and she was sitting on it... so that I could feel her softness all across my arm! And perhaps I could then turn my hands and her thighs would be in my palm. I could then feel the fleshy thighs of her with my finger… and if I start pulling back my hand slowly, my fingers would move inner and inner... parting her legs… and would end up… fiddling the strings of her passion!

Oops.. the gods are in favor and all my prayers were answered. She slipped into my lap, and in the sudden reaction to hold her, my hands ended up cupping her jug. We both froze for a few minutes and I think she got out of the shock when she felt something poking her bum. Her head turned towards me, our eyes locked and lips only a few millimeters away, it was too late for anything. The lips clung together like two pieces of magnets and it set the two bodies on fire. As her lips were getting squashed between mine, I could feel the heat developing down under her, on my thighs. My hand on her chest, grabbed her tighter and started squeezing the soft flesh. The whole office is empty, and all we wanted was to move together as one, and to melt into each other. One of her hands went into my shirt, running into my hairy chest… while the other was busy on something between my legs. It didn’t take more than a few minutes to hear an unzipping sound and now she had the full control in her soft palm. It grew further with the touch of her fingers, wrapped tightly around. Squeezing her bosom, with the hand slipped into her top, my other hand was under her skirt, pulling down things under it. With a sigh, she sat down on me, slowly and gently, becoming one. We made a connection, a tight and deep one. Her hips started to dance on my lap, moving all around, to the sides, and up and down. Every time her soft bum pressed against my thighs, we were going deeper and deeper, into the well of passion. The two bodies started shivering, breathless moments, and we were nearing an explosion of passion, in the depth. It felt like a ride on an Arabian horse, a little bumpy, but every bump made it more and more exciting. Heavier breaths, faster movements, and a few moments later… she crashed on my chest. Lips met again, and the long kiss good bye was very special.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there were more men like you in my office I wouldnt dread going to work.
You can come visit my cubicle anytime. Sounds like your a "hard" worker ;) feel like overtime this weekend sexy?
We could start with the copy machine. sound good to you?? Then I will show you how to really use that push pin :)